vineri, 16 aprilie 2010

Legenda Oltului si a Muresului


In vremurile de demult, cand se nascoceau povestile fermecatoare, pe varful unui munte din Carpatii Rasariteni se vedea o cetate cu doua turnuri. Craiul si craiasa aveau doi fii gemeni, care semanau ca doua picaturi de apa. Feciorii erau asemanatori la infatisare, dar aveau firi cu totul diferite. Una-doua se luau la cearta si se bateau pana la sange, de rai ce erau. Asa-i lasase Dumnezeu!
Cand crescusera mari, craiul iesi din cetate cu oastea si se duse la razboi,de unde n-a mai venit. Craiasa a trimis calareti spre toate zarile, in cauterea sotului ei, dar solii nu l-au gasit pe stapan nicaieri. Murise craiul departe, intr-o batalie sangeroasa. Dar craiasa nu stia taina asta. ,,Ce-am sa ma fac eu,cu feciorii mei naravasi?" se framanta craiasa ,,Se tot bat fara astampar. Le-am facut doua turnuri aparte. In turnul de miazanoapte locuieste Mures, iar in turnul de miazazi sta Olt. Uite, sunt printi buni de insuratoare, si tot nu se inteleg."
-Frate Oltule, zise Muresul, care era mai cumpatat. Mama plange intruna dupa tata,craiul.Ce facem?
-Eu zic, frate Mures,sa lasam ciondaneala copilareasca dintre noi si sa plecam in cautarea craiului.Poate e undeva intr-o
temnita,si are nevoie de ajutorul nostru,sa-l eliberam. Oltul si Muresul s-au dus la mama lor,craiasa si i-au vorbit de hotararea lor de a-si cauta tatal.Auzind ce spun,mama lor a varsat lacrimi de durere,dar si de fericire. De fericire pentru ca feciorii ei erau vrednicisi indarjiti,si de durere pentru ca se despartea de ei si-i era frica sa nu-i piarda.

-Bine,baietii mei! se indupleca pana la urma craiasa. Plecati in cautarea craiului. Muresule si tu,Oltule!Va sfatuiesc sa stati mereu impreuna, precum caii la trasura, si nedezlipiti unul de altul!

Si au plecat printii.Dar de indata ce au iesit din cetate, au pornit sa se certe pe ce cale sa apuce. Caci, cum v-am zis, erau diferiti la fire si la ganduri.
-Sa plecam spre miazanoapte!a propus Muresul.
-Ba nu!S-o luam spre miazazi!a racnit Oltul.
Si,ca in copilarie,au inceput sa-si care la pumni cu nemiluita.Pana la urma,n-au ascultat sfatul mamei si-au vorbit astfel:

-Eu am crescut in turnul de miazanoapte si plec indata intr-acolo!zise Muresul.

-Iar eu am crescut in turnul de miazazi, si plec intr-acolo! tipa Oltul.

S-au despartit.Muresul cel intunecat la fire a pornit-o spre nord, iar Oltul cel iute din fire s-a repezit bolborosind spre sud. Dupa o vreme,pe Mures l-a razbit dorul dupa fratele sau:
-Ne ciondanim noi,si-a zis Muresul,dar tinem unul la altul. Mama ne-a rugat sa nu ne despartim.Ce-ar fi sa ma intorc din drum,ca sa-l caut pe fratele Olt?

Pe o vale, Muresul s-a intors spre miazazi,dar nu l-a mai gasit pe Olt.S-a ratacit si-a luat-o spre apus,prin campii asa de
frumoase,incat si-a uitat fratele geaman.

In cetatea de scaun,craiasa primi vesti de la solii ei:
-Chiar de la poarta,marita craiasa, Olt si Mures s-au certat si s-au despartit, incalcand porunca mariei tale. Suparata,craiasa a alergat sa-si intoarca feciorii din drum, dar nu i-a mai putut ajunge , deoarece fugeau strasnic in parti
diferite. S-a pornit sa planga navalnic,curgand izvoaredin ochii ei:

-Doamne, te rog sa povatuiesti pasii feciorilor mei. L-am pierdut pe crai. Fa,Doamne,orice numai sa nu piara niciodata
baietii mei nastrusnici.

Dumnezeu a ascultat ruga craiesei si,pe data,a hotarat sa-i prefaca in rauri nemuritoare. Si rauri au ramas pana
astazi, pastrandu-si numele: MURESUL si OLTUL.
Muresul curge lin spre campie, cuminte si cu speranta ca, dupa multe cotituri, isi va gasi fratele geaman. Iar oamenii il canta astfel:

Mures,Mures,apa lina,
Trece-ma-n tara straina
Si-mi fa parte de hodina.

Pe cand Oltul cel iute si nabadaios,se izbeste in pietrele muntilor, le rascoleste tumultuos, spumega si se insangereaza la Turnul Rosu , iar potrivit:oamenii i-au nascocit un cantec:

Oltule,rau blestemat,
Te-ai facut adanc si lat
Ca vii mare,spumegat,
Si cu sange-amestecat.


The English Version:

Once upon the time,when the stories were reality,on the top of the Eastern Carpathians,there was a fortress with two towers.The prince and the princess had twins.The boys were alike;only their faces were,not their nature.They were fighting to blood from nothing.The boys grew.One day the prince went to a battle and didn't return.The princess sent messengers to find her husband.The truth was that the prince was dead ,but the princess didn't know this thing."What am i going to do with my boys?"she said."They are fighting and fighting allover again.I built for them two different towers.In the northern one leaves
Mures,and in the southest leaves Olt.Soon they will have to marry,but still don't understand each other.

"Olt,my brother ,Mures said.Mother is still crying after our dad.What are we going to do?"

"Mures,my brother,let's forget our argues and let's go to find the prince.Maybe he's somewhere into some prison and he needs our help to rescue him."

The twins went totheir mother,the princess,and spoke to her about their decision.When she heard ,she burst into tears.She was weeping because her sons became wiser,but she was afraid not to lose them.

"OK,my boys,the princess said.Go and find your dad.I advise you to stay together as horses on carriage. And the
boys left. But as soon as they came out the fortress they were already argueing which way to go.

"Let's go to the north,Mures said."

"No,let's go to the south,Olt said.And ,like in their childhood,they started to fight"

"Because i grew into the northern tower,i will go in this direction",Mures said. "And i will go to the south, Olt said ,cause i grew into the southest one."

Like this,they separated each other.After a whileMures was thinking: "With all our argues,we are still loving each other.Also our mother asked us not to separate.Can i find again my brother?" On a valley he turned to the south,but Olt wasn't anywhere.Mures was lost and went to the west through plains which were so beautiful that he forgot his brother.The princess found out what was happened ,and angry ran to return his sons,but never caught up them cause they were running as fast as their legs carried them.She was praying then: "Dear Lord, please take care of my sons. Make them immortals."

God heard and transformed then the sons to immortals rivers.And rivers they are even today mentaining their names: MURES and OLT.Nowadays,in our places wanderred by the Mures river,every children must know the tale of Mures and Olt rivers ,beeing proud to leave such a wonderful place.