sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011

Attitude and humanitarian initiative for a better and fairer world in which dignity is always respected!

Appeals to the conscience - faith - solidarity - and bears responsibility to address abuses of justice!

Vasile Grigoras
Starter humanitarian project

Nothing without God
Give hope

Hello good people, brothers, sisters and friends,

With your permission I am writing this open letter in the spirit of friendly considerations of faith and solidarity with the request to read to the end and according to his conscience dictates how to decide a just cause. My name is Vasile Grigoras born on 21/08/1951 in Romania man of good faith in your soul with love and respect for God. I dare to write candidly about the proposal, humanitarian initiatives and projects born of suffering caused by the abuse of justice in Romania and injured mau attitude against which I got offended. Worse is that when you're abused, you have the courage to defend your rights after you and they have threatened to shut down, as happened in my case. I personally ask you as man to man regardless of the area where work is important and I do not think race, age and religion, I am saying that from soul to soul with confidence and hope as a friend, brother and sister in this world created by God in which we live. I begin to tell you that not only for me and my family are for others and a militant opponent of corruption of any kind. Something bad happened in my life since 2005 when I was a victim of abuse caused by people who have staged a bad faith litigation and there we were and are harassed, humiliated, mocked and ultimately wrong. All these have been done because of corrupt judges who not only favors the lies and illegal acts, they legalized fake disputes never existed intolerable acts and justice compel innocent people to pay damages of unknown illegally. These people of bad faith to act as an octopus engulfing unfair advantage by deception and deliberately fail because they are favored by the judges that are in league. So in my case and in other cases corrupt judges violate fundamental human rights shamelessly favoring some over others. For six years fighting for my rights in court and although all relevant evidence is on my side can hardly tackle the abuse of this system where chicken fingers I noticed that items appear in court for corruption. Although Romania has been warned by the Council of Europe on judicial corruption and although numerous examples of corruption have been widely publicized in the media judges do not care and continues to violate the law because they consider themselves omnipotent and above the law. These facts retrograde mau mau revolt and determined to take action and get involved in the fight for human rights and fighting poverty in the society though I know it is not easy. This is possible by mobilizing people who understand this, and I want people to gather around me with kindness in his heart and together we build a new world best and the right to human dignity are always respected and abuse and corruption tell them stop. Thus, we initiated a humanitarian project and are determined to establish a humanitarian foundation for human rights and fighting poverty. I really like this because an NGO can do more than one man could do as an individual. Foundation that will fight for the very poor, underprivileged people, sick and some even abandoned no longer have any chance of survival regardless of age, race, religion and political allegiance, whose cry for help the needy is not heard and not deal one now. I very much appreciate people helping people and I believe that among them, but now I prevent abuses to carry out this project to people without hope.

"He who does nothing for others does nothing for himself" - Goethe

This is outrageous compared to what is happening and is not easy when I'm helpless and still fight against one of terrible abuses that have caused me financial difficulties caused by irresponsible judges. They think they got the rule of law and do what they knowingly violate human rights, although nobody should be above the law. I appeal to your indulgence to kindly only a moment to think about what it means to get to this age (in August this year they turned 60 years) and be humiliated even by those who must do justice and because of which I got in great difficulty financial. I was dragged through the courts in lawsuits for many years there and I had not paid all sorts of absurd legal fees imposed by consuming time, money, energy, stress and eventually I exhausted all resources, and now I am unable to continue to fight this corrupt system. We need effective legal assistance of some competent and incorruptible for defense attorneys in cases that are pending before courts in different phases, but no money to pay their fees and may not appear so I can lose my job and all family life is a sin. It's serious, painful and shameful what is happening in my country justice, but I will not cede. To its way to hire lawyers to be strong but they rightly claim high fees because they are winners in most cases they appear. I pondered over these abuses against Mau hit and we concluded that the only chance for me to overcome these difficulties is key to look people in good faith with a big heart who know how to suffer and who are willing to stretch me a hand. I felt good and I was urged by God to do this step in my search I found your address I can write about these obstacles by passing and I think you'll understand this situation because I arrived and I hope others that you'll try to do something for me in the spirit of faith, solidarity, wisdom and common sense to turn to with confidence for your kind support, encouragement and a drop of hope and the good name of God please help me with the little bit of and you or your colleagues and friends with a little sponsorship of several tens or hundreds of dollars depending on the possibilities and his conscience dictates how you can raise money to pay lawyers fees. For a little right because you can give me a chance my destiny I can go on the road of life with dignity and do more good on this earth by the foundation on which I will soon set up. Your help but it depends on life and my destiny and marginalized people in situations of risk which will occupy the new foundation. Please do not leave me with all my heart painful prey to these abuses, tyranny and damage, trying to help a man who is struggling with a system that causes much suffering, with a drop of hope can heal the wound of my soul and finally to be winning with dignity in the struggle for justice, honesty and truth. Details about this initiative, coordinated the project and find the Web banking: www.initiativa-manitara.com; Thank you for your understanding and assure you that your name will be listed as sponsors and donors to honor the new foundation. Answered with confidence and I expect will be happy to know that you count among my supporters, God bless you for well done. In closing, I wish you good health and peace of mind. God bless!
With the most sincere thoughts and best wishes,
Vasile Grigoras
Tel: 0040723979688
E-mail: vasile50g@yahoo.com